latern破解版 专业版

York University to grant master’s degrees to first cohort of refugees in Kenya


York University doctoral student Mohamed Duale documents the dilemmas faced by refugees in extended exile in his recent report for the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN), a team of researchers and practitioners committed to promoting protection and solutions with and for refugees.

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York PhD student examines the diversity of refugee experiences

CRS Going Virtual


York University is moving towards a shutdown of the physical campus due to COVID-19. While some essential staff will be on campus, most services will take place virtually.

At the end of day on Thursday, March 19, buildings on campus will close, with only limited access.

国外破解网站大全-『外文翻译』-看雪安全论坛 - · 谢谢楼主的分享,不过有些已经不能上了。其实看雪就挺好的,先学习了基础,再上国外的论坛也不迟呀。

Fortunately, much of our work can be done online – research development, budget preparation, reports, grant applications and submissions, payroll, expense reimbursements, and so forth. Finance, the Office of Research Services, and Human Resources will accept electronic signatures in place of originals, so we expect that this kind of support will continue with no interruptions. If you would like to schedule virtual meetings with your colleagues and research partners, we are here to help if you have technical capacity issues – just give us a heads up.

We are thinking of ways to remain connected during this time and will be experimenting with various options. We are also looking at different ways to run events and other dissemination activities. If you have ideas about how we can do this, we’d love to hear them.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay well. 

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Announcing the publication of Refugee Law after 9/11 from UBC Press!

As a special introductory offer, UBC is offering 40% off of the hardcover book to friends and colleagues.

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New publication from the Refugee Research Network

Mobilizing Global Knowledge: Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement

Edited by Susan McGrath and Julie E.E. Young

Available for purchase or a free PDF download at 电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可伍了上.当然免费的也可伍用到手机上的.呵呵







Appointment of Prof. Sean Rehaag as CRS Director, 2023-2023

 CRS is pleased to announce that Professor Sean Rehaag has been appointed as CRS Director for 2023-2023.

Professor Rehaag is an Associate Professor at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School. He specializes in immigration and refugee law, human rights, legal process and access to justice. He frequently contributes to public debates about immigration and refugee law, and he engages in law reform efforts in these areas. His research focuses on empirical studies of immigration and refugee law decision-making processes, including quantitative research using large data-sets to study extra-legal factors that influence outcomes in Canadian refugee adjudication. He is also pursuing research using experiments to help better understand how refugee adjudicators make credibility assessments. Prior to joining the Osgoode faculty in 2008, Professor Rehaag was a visiting scholar at the Université de Montreal’s Chaire de recherche du Canada en droit international des migrations. He has also been a visiting scholar with the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at UC Hastings, a visiting researcher at the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, and an instructor at the University of Victoria and the Université de Sherbrooke. He holds an SJD from the University of Toronto, an LLB and BCL from McGill University, and a BA from the University of British Columbia. He is the recipient of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers Scholarly Paper Award (2013), the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers Advocacy Award (2012), the Osgoode Teaching Excellence Award (2011) and the Alan Marks Medal (2008). From 2015 to 2018, he served as the Academic Director at Parkdale Community Legal Services.

Support York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies

Research about refugees and others displaced by violence, persecution, human rights abuses, and environmental degradation is more important than ever. The number of refugees and other displaced people around the world is at record levels. Refugee and forced migration issues are hot button topics in Canada and elsewhere, with increasingly polarized political rhetoric and proposed policy responses. In that context, it is essential that public conversations about refugees and other displaced people be informed by the best possible evidence and by well-developed theoretical and interdisciplinary perspectives – including perspectives that engage meaningfully with people who have lived experience with displacement. Your contribution will help CRS pursue innovative research, education, and policy engagement dedicated to advancing the well-being of refugees and other displaced people in Canada and around the world.

Three options for contributing:

  1. I want to help CRS pursue research today. Select “CRS Support Fund”
  2. I want to help make CRS sustainable over the long term. Select “CRS Endowment”
  3. I want to help CRS support students who are refugees or without status. Select “CRS Refugee Student Bursaries”


Take Note! The Kolkata Declaration

The Kolkata Declaration was adopted on November 30, 2018 in Kolkata at a week-long conference hosted by the Calcutta Research Group. It is a document that advances a regional and postcolonial perspective on refugee protection, in part as a response to the New York Declaration and Global Compact for Refugees (GCR) that was initiated largely by global North actors in September 2016. The GCR process largely left out South Asia and Southeast Asia as regions, states, and civil societies that do a great deal to support and protect refugee who may also be called migrants, but who fall outside the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee definition and and that in the 1967 Protocol.

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CRS Professor Wenona Giles Invited to Join Royal Society of Canada

On November 16, 2018 CRS resident scholar and anthropology professor, Wenona Giles, was inducted as a Fellow into the Royal Society of Canada, one of the country’s highest academic honours.




Appointment of Prof. Luann Good Gingrich as CRS Associate Director, 2018-2023

CRS is very pleased to announce that Prof. Luann Good Gingrich has been appointed as CRS Associate Director for the 2018-2023 academic year.

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Humane mobility: A manifesto for change

A deep reimagining of migration is urgently needed. We are profoundly concerned about responses to human mobility, including the Global Compact on Refugees and the artificial separation from wider migration issues. It emerges from exclusionary drafting and decision-making processes that ignore the lived realities of the people and spaces most affected by displacement. It privileges state sovereignty over human beings. It reinforces unequal power relations and waters down existing commitments to human rights and dignity.

In an act of refusal rather than reform we propose this manifesto as one mechanism to re-centre people and spaces of displacement. We hope to contribute to a generative, inclusive movement that finds creative and humane ways to work in solidarity with people on the move, and the individuals, communities and organizations who live and work within these spaces of displacement.

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York University’s distance-education program breaks barriers for refugees

(Globe and Mail, June 20, 2018) “We told [all the students], your success is not based on leaving your classmates behind. In fact, it is the opposite: It is ‘No one left behind,’” Mr. Dippo said. “I think this has helped them to succeed even though there are limits to the supports we can give them.”


An Information Sheet for People Taking Part in Forced Migration Research

Taking part in a research project gives you a chance to make your voice heard, but it can also be inconvenient, cost you time or money, and/or make you feel physically or emotionally uncomfortable. This information sheet explains key terms and outlines your rights.

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On June 12th, 2017 York University’s Syria Response and Refugee Initiative hosted a meet and greet for sponsor teams across the GTA University Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge (RULSC) at Osgoode Hall Law School’s Professional Development Centre in downtown Toronto.

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Featured article on research ethics from Refuge now available for download

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by Christina Clark-Kazak, with the Canadian Council for Refugees, the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, and York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies

(From the Preamble) Research involving people in situations of forced migration deepens our understanding of their experiences and has the potential to inform evidence-based decision-making, but also poses particular ethical challenges and opportunities. This document is intended to provide researchers, community organizations, and people in situations of forced migration with information on the particularities of forced migration contexts to complement established ethical principles and frameworks on research with human subjects more generally. They draw on good practices identified in a scan of civil society and government documents and academic literature.

English version

Version Française

Educational Resource: Unit Plans on Migration, Refugees and the Indochinese Refugee Movement in Canada: For all those who are interested in teaching about refugees and refugee issues, and specifically at the primary and secondary levels in Canada, you may wish to visit the material just posted on the Educational website of the IndoChinese Refugee Movement (ICRM) Project Hub at

The Centre for Refugee Studies is very pleased to announce that $1.35 million has been awarded to Prof. Michaela Hynie (Faculty of Health and CRS Executive Committee member) by the  Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) to study Refugee integration and long-term health outcomes in Canada.

This project, with partners from 3 provinces, including some 2 dozen co-investigators, academic and community-based settlement agencies, will compare how government-assisted refugee (GAR) and private-sponsored refugee (PAR) resettlement programs support long-term social integration pathways for refugees and the impact of these pathways on physical and mental health. Research will take place over a five-year period.

Resettled refugees have poorer health than host populations, and studies show that social integration affects wellness; however, there is a lack of research examining how the experiences of settlement and integration contribute to the long-term health of refugees.

“Canada’s private sponsorship program for resettled refugees is unique in the world, and is of considerable interest to other countries, but its effectiveness relative to government sponsorship is largely unknown,” said Hynie. “This grant is an important opportunity for us to understand how, and under what conditions, the different resettlement programs in Canada support the long-term health and well-being of resettled refugees in Canada, and to gain a deeper understanding of the social determinants of refugee health.”


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